Call Us: 03 9551 2822


Ryan Dummett

Ryan’s approach to auditing is pragmatic and personable, working side-by-side with his clients with an eye on the bigger picture. In this way, Ryan delivers an audit beyond simple compliance, but a process that informs and adds value for his clients.

Qualifications / Roles

Member of Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CA ANZ)

Registered Company Auditor

Registered SMSF Auditor

Legal Trust Account External Examiner

Registered Organisation Registered Auditor

President of CA ANZ Contemporary Accounting Problems Discussion Group & Member of NFP Discussion Group


Ryan’s 25 years in Audit has given him an enormous amount of experience across many industries and types of assurance engagements. From auditing not-for-profit entities, to private and publicly-listed companies, Ryan’s commitment to accuracy and delivering insights is constant.

Ryan is known for his personable, flexible and reliable work ethic, ensuring the audit process is as smooth as possible. A forward-thinker, he liaises with clients to understand their challenges. Through building meaningful and long-lasting business relationships, Ryan is uniquely positioned to provide value and support through the audit engagement.

In addition to highlighting potential improvements in clients’ systems and processes, Ryan also keeps his clients up-to-date on any financial reporting changes – helping them to comfortably navigate the ever-evolving legislation and standards.

Ryan likes spending time with his family and follows the Essendon Football Club. An avid cyclist, Ryan has participated in several charity rides in order to raise funds for those living with mental health issues.


Ryan Dummett

  (03) 9551 2822

  Level 3, 148 Logis Blvd, Dandenong South 3175

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